The existing dwelling was in poor condition and the original intention was to refurbish this and build another property on the grounds. Following discussions, it was clear that due to the level of investment required to refurbish the existing structure to current standards, it was conceivable that the existing building could be removed, and 3 dwellings constructed on the site.
Following analysis of the site and surrounding properties, proposals were developed for 3 houses of two differing designs. Utilising the falling land levels the dwellings are of two storey construction, in contrast to adjacent bungalows that sit on higher ground. A variation of property types along the street allowed flexibility of design and maximising floor areas.
The building forms following those in the local area with pitched roofs over facing brick external walls. Exposed Oak structures are used to define entrance porches and bay windows on the street facing elevations and garden rooms to the rear. Large, glazed openings ensure good levels of natural light in all rooms, with extended roofs and brise-soleil providing solar shading on south facing elevations. External hard landscaping has been considered to provide drives, parking and terraces whilst maintain large areas of soft landscaping in keeping with the rural area.